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Mother’s Day Raffles

12 May @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Croydon Sports Club

Join us on 10 May and 12 May for our Mother’s Day Raffles. Meat trays and hampers for grabs.

FRIDAY: Tickets on sale 6PM | Draws 7PM | Prize: Meat Trays & Mother’s Day Hampers

SUNDAY: Tickets on sale 2.30PM | Draws 3.30PM | Prize: Mother’s Day Hampers

Tickets $1 for 5 numbers | Special: Buy 20 worth of raffle tickets and get an extra $10 worth of FREE tickets.


12 May
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Category:


Croydon Sports Club
114 Church St
Croydon, NSW 2132 Australia
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